HEALTHCARE & SICKNESS BENEFITS : Auto Entrepreneur & Salaried

I help people deal with their health care paperwork pretty much every week. Why? Well, this is one of the processes that takes the longest and is one of the most important. Having difficulty knowing where to start? This is where we come in. As many of you may know, I’m very passionate about helping people with their seamless transition to France.

Changes in the air : Auto Entrepreneur, social charges & more

It’s ‘La Rentrée’ in France and like every September, it begins with the rush of parents getting their children to school, them getting back to work or their pre-holiday plans and of course a whole new holiday season for the elderly who want to avoid the busy season.  The temperatures drop almost overnight, the children catch their first colds before they even get to school and us Southerners who have been complaining about the heat for 3 months, start complaining about the cold – it’s the way it is!  Every year 🙂 This September is particularly marked however as many…

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