
Beyond Business: The untold value of your personal dream team

Why team is important… As we begin this New Year 2024, many of us have reflected over 2023 and what we achieved and what we could have done better. I spend a lot of my walks in the morning mulling over the question of what’s next?  Each year the pressure of a successful businesswoman (or man) is to build on previous success or mistakes isn’t it. To look at what went great and what wasn’t so great and improve. Then in January I tip toe into the New year with my team and put my new ‘plans’ into action.  It…

Top Tips to Learn the Lingo

My dream of moving to a foreign country began at the ripe old age of 8. I spent most of my early years daydreaming of where I wanted to live, and France was often the top of my list.  As I got older my daydreaming transformed into my vision and I travelled extensively looking for my dream home.  It was not until I arrived on the cote d’Azur in 1992 that I really started to settle down.  Of course, the dream life does not happen with a click of the fingers, the following two years were filled with a multitude…

Does Tax Have To Be Taxing?

I hear the groans and the grimaces even as you start to read this. Yes, its already tax preparation time and that means its time to start planning for your declaration. Whether you are a first-time declarer, or this is your 10th time, the onus is still on you to make your declaration.  Note that even if you are not a fiscal resident of France but you are renting out your property here or earning revenue here, you should make a tax declaration in France.   The word TAX often brings a lot of worry to people and even more so…

Problems Setting up a business in France

Are You Asking The Right Questions?

What questions should you be asking when it comes to setting up your business in France?  Many clients and potential clients reach out to me for help with their business project. Frequently, it’s part of a more extensive immigration and residency file, and we need to get them a business liberal visa or talents visa. To start with, they think they ‘only’ need one bit of information, but as soon as I start asking the right questions, we soon find out that the project is much bigger, and they need help with healthcare, moving logistics, business creation, and so much…

Relocating to france expat

Are You Tipping Your Toe Or Diving Head First?

As we step into 2024, I hope that you are taking time to ask yourself the right questions?  Each end of year, the pressure is on each one of us to go out and plan our next year and make ‘New year’s resolutions’ from either a personal or business perspective, but do we ever really stop to ask the right questions before diving headfirst into a New Year?  Do we ever really stop to look back and see what we have already achieved before once again striving for new goals?  Achievement comes in all shapes and sizes, there is no…

Navigating 2025: Post Brexit – Updates and Key Changes

If you’ve read my previous January blog posts, you know that I usually tiptoe into the new year, taking a bit of time to adjust to the challenges ahead. This year, however, things are moving a bit faster! With the France show at the end of January and numerous challenges surrounding residency cards, I’m diving straight into 2025 with some important updates.


As I look at social media and see everyone ‘living their best life’ doing lots of activities, holidays and posting about living their best life and their dream lives, and I wonder what that means to different people? Social media paints a picture that is often false and puts pressure on us all to do more, do bigger, do better, do something. What if living your dream life is doing ‘nothing’? Doing ‘nothing’ is an acquired art. We need to remember how to spend time with ourselves doing nothing, especially women. It has been my motto for over 11 years now, ever since…

Coron Virus: Moving forward day by day

This blog is a difficult one to write. I am not an expert in Coron Virus and certainly would not expect anyone else to be, excepting the medical professionals and scientists however we find ourselves in the middle of a crisis that everyone needs to pull together their skills to help.  Not only dealing with this medical catastrophe but also the economical fall out.

CFE Tax : All the questions answered

We are coming to that end of year. We’ve just made it through the taxe d’habitation and the taxe fonciere and its the run up to Christmas. We just think we are done with tax for this year and then ….. CFE tax comes along. So what is this tax and are you liable?

Why January and February are the best months of the year

January is renowned for being a month of new beginnings, fresh starts and wiping the slate clean. A month of taking our desires and putting them to the forefront. It’s a month of let’s get on with this and make it a better, bigger, more successful, healthier than last year, year! Such pressure for everyone and I fight against every year.

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